
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: juny, 2017


WALKING AROUND NORWICH These are the most amazing, interesting and typical places from Norwich. Click on the Play and have a look, you will love it!!!! Aquest són alguns dels llocs més bonics i interessants de Norwich. Clique al Play i feu una ullada, us encantarà!!!


VISITING LONDON Previously to our departure on Saturday, on Friday we went to London where we visited the London Eye, Westminster Palace and its famous Big Ben, Trafalgar Sq, St James Park, Picadilly Circus, Hamleys, M &M´s, Covent Garden,... The weather was the typical English one with some showers but it was wonderful and we enjoyed it a lot. "Why, Sir, you find no man, at all intellectual, who is willing to leave London. No, Sir, when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford." — Samuel Johnson Abans de marxar cap a casa, el divendres vam anar a Londres. Allà vam visitar London Eye, Westminster Palace i el seu famós Big Ben, Trafalgar Sq, St James Park, Picadilly Circus, Hamleys, M&M´s, Covent Garden,... Vam tenir un temps típicament britànic amb alguns ruixats però, tot i això, va ser fantàstic i ens ho vam passar molt bé.


NORWICH, AFTERNOON ACTIVITIES Everyday after the classes all the students had an activity, such as visiting the Cathedral, walking around the river Wensum, a geocatching around the city, playing in the park, some shopping too,... Everything in English, of course!!!! Very nice city and very nice people too. Tots els dies després de les classes els alumnes feien activitats com per exemple: visitar la Catedral, passejar pel riu Wensum, una gimcana per la ciutat, van anar al park a jugar, una mica de shopping,... Sempre en anglès!!!! Una ciutat molt bonica i la seva gent molt maca també.


AT THE LANGUAGE SCHOOL Every day the students attended the classes for three hours and the last day they gave a presentation about all the things they had been doing during that week. It was great because their level of English improved a lot. Very proud of them!!!! Cada dia els alumnes feien classe durant 3 hores i l´últim dia van fer una presentació amb tot allò que havíen fet durant la setmana, Va ser fantàstic perquè el seu nivell d´anglès ha millorat molt. Felicitats!!!